Training Programs
Improve your on field performance and prevent injury!
Develop and maintain strength and conditioning, during and after your season.
Park City Miners Boys Basketball
"Coach Zakaras is a world class strength, conditioning, and speed coach. The Park City Boy's Basketball team has benefited from his expertise. He is a excellent teacher, relates with the student athletes, pushes them to new levels and is extremely professional. Our players love being around him and he knows how to meet the needs of our players. I would highly recommend him to anyone looking to become a better athlete. Park City Boy's Basketball is a better program because of Coach Z!"
-Caleb Fine, Park City Miners Boy's Basketball Head Coach
Park City Miners Hockey
"In just two months, my son gained 6 lbs of muscle and increased 100 lbs on his back squat (started the summer squatting 125 lbs) — increased his strict pull-ups from 6 to 11 and increased all his workout weights and run times."
"Doug emphasizes perfect lifting technique and is there to instruct, teach, and help all the players during each workout."
-Dave Guyer, Park City Hockey Trustee and Player Parent
Park City Youth Football
"Doug Z. and Kenzie have made me a better athlete. MOVE has allowed me to compete at the highest level in all my sports, football, lacrosse and track. Strength training in bench press, deadlifts and squatting helps me with my confidence on the football field in my running, cutting and stiff arms. Not to mention no injuries. Thanks!!"
-Brady Baumann
"MOVE has developed Brady's core strength which is vital at his age for the variety of youth sports he participates in. MOVE specializes his conditioning for the sport he is participating in, i.e. neck and upper body strength for contact sports like football and lacrosse. Brady is more resilient and aggressive due to his conditioning regiment thanks to Doug and Kenzie. Not to mention both are highly decorated, educated trainers on youth conditioning and they relate to the teens and make it fun!"
-Ted Baumann, Youth Football Coach and Parent
Check out our Results
How Are We Better?
We achieve results through a process of evaluation, instruction, and programming. Our instructors are world class and second to none.
Why Strength and Conditioning?
Reduced risk for injury
"Cahill and Griffith incorporated resistance
training into their preseason conditioning for adolescent
American football players and reported a reduction in non-serious
knee injuries, as well as knee injuries requiring surgery,
over four competitive seasons."
Improved Performance
" general, expected strength gains of
30–40% are typically observed in untrained youth following
participation in an introductory (8–20 weeks) resistance training
Improved Mood
"It has been reported that adolescent girls improved
their physical self-perceptions in response to an 8-week resistance
training programme. Similarly, various measures of self-concept
have been shown to improve in adolescent males and
females after a 12-week resistance training programme."